The SDSR and why the choice of a maritime or a land doctrine is necessary
Changing options
The Strategic Defence & Security Review has been an unedifying spectacle to witness, but this is a result of the competing pressures – operational,...
I am proud to call myself English and I am certainly not going to apologise for it on this, St Georges Day. It is very politically correct these days to bash the English or accuse us of being racist...
It is thanks to bloggers like myself that Dr Pachauri is “embattled”
Four months ago, Dr Rajendra Pachauri was hardly a household name. But to the majority of those who knew him or knew of him, he was close to...
Technology surrounds our kids everywhere says the author We are at an age where our children are exposed to technology practically from the time they are born. Child development experts all agree that limiting screen time is healthy...
If you are considering getting an airsoft gun, there is a lot that you are going to want to think about. Figuring out whether or not these types of guns are safe can be difficult considering all of the...